Text GVFD to 53-555
Make a one-time or recurring donation to the Green Village Fire Department using Venmo or Apple Pay (if using mobile).
Make a one-time or recurring donation to the Green Village Fire Department thru PayPal Giving Fund. No fees are paid or charged for PayPal donations, which means that every cent collected can support our mission.
When you sell on ebay, you can dedicate a percentage of the sale to the Green Village Fire Department.
Choose Green Village Fire Department as your favorite charity in your PayPal account under "Make an Impact". When you check out with PayPal, you'll see Green Village Fire Department listed and have the option to donate $1 to support us. No fees are paid or charged for "Give at Checkout" donations, which means that every cent collected can support our mission.
Donations can be mailed to:
Green Village Fire Department
529 Green Village Road
Green Village, NJ 07935
Green Village Fire Department
529 Green Village Road
Green Village, NJ 07935